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Guest post: Eric Rigney
Ben Baker Ben Baker

Guest post: Eric Rigney

While the industry focuses on image quality capable of reducing post VFX (final pixel), camera set ups, and location shoots, sound recording quality is egregious left out of the picture. With every challenge comes opportunity, so I took this opportunity to focus on what I dub “final sample,” capturing and carrying original dialog performances through to final sound mix, minimizing use of automated dialog replacement (ADR), striving toward zero-ADR (ZADR).

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VP Insights #5: Pre-Production in VP
Ben Baker Ben Baker

VP Insights #5: Pre-Production in VP

From the VIRTUAL PRODUCTION FOR NEW YORK FILMMAKERS event held at Fuse 42 in Times Square New York.Thanks to co-producers Fuse Technical Group and partners Post New York Alliance, Hollywood Professional Association and Epic Games and to our speakers Shelly Sabel, Felix Jorge, director c. Craig Patterson, Julie Lottering and moderator Isabel Sadurni. Stay tuned for more VP Insights!

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VP Insights #4: Innovation in Virtual Production
Ben Baker Ben Baker

VP Insights #4: Innovation in Virtual Production

From the VIRTUAL PRODUCTION FOR NEW YORK FILMMAKERS event held at Fuse 42 in Times Square New York.Thanks to co-producers Fuse Technical Group and partners Post New York Alliance, Hollywood Professional Association and Epic Games and to our speakers Shelly Sabel, Felix Jorge, director c. Craig Patterson, Julie Lottering and moderator Isabel Sadurni. Stay tuned for more VP Insights!

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VP Insights #3: Previs vs. Techvis
Ben Baker Ben Baker

VP Insights #3: Previs vs. Techvis

From the VIRTUAL PRODUCTION FOR NEW YORK FILMMAKERS event held at Fuse 42 in Times Square New York.Thanks to co-producers Fuse Technical Group and partners Post New York Alliance, Hollywood Professional Association and Epic Games and to our speakers Shelly Sabel, Felix Jorge, director c. Craig Patterson, Julie Lottering and moderator Isabel Sadurni. Stay tuned for more VP Insights!

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Selling Virtual Production
Ben Baker Ben Baker

Selling Virtual Production

Mesh's Virtual Production producers often get asked 'How do you sell a DP or director on Virtual Production?', and our answer is always that we are not there to ‘sell’ Virtual Production to crew members in prep. The decision to use virtual production techniques is almost as fundamental as deciding to shoot a project in a particular state or country for the tax incentives - it's part of the DNA of a project and informs a lot of downstream decisions.

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Finding Favreau: When virtual production is simply production.
James Blevins James Blevins

Finding Favreau: When virtual production is simply production.

Jon Favreau's work has had a profound impact on the film industry and has paved the way for new methods of cinematography. He has been a creative force for decades. I wouldn’t be the first to call him a maverick. Besides, the shoe fits. He manifested a style that embraced technology and revolutionized virtual production.

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